Pengimport Luar Negara Yang Dianggap Musuh Oleh Amerika Syarikat

posted under by Megan Fox

How astonished and amazed when I found this article over the Net.

22 September 2008 - U.S. Export Enemy List

[Federal Register: September 22, 2008 (Volume 73, Number 184)]

[Rules and Regulations]               
[Page 54499-54511]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []



Bureau of Industry and Security

15 CFR Parts 736 and 744

[Docket No. 0809021173-81210-01]
RIN 0694-AE46

Addition of Certain Persons to the Entity List; Removal of 
General Order From the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)

AGENCY: Bureau of Industry and Security, Commerce.

ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This rule amends the Export Administration Regulations (EAR) 
by adding additional persons to the Entity List (Supplement No. 4 to 
Part 744) on the basis of section 744.11 of the EAR. These additional 
persons being added to the Entity List have been determined by the U.S. 
Government to be acting contrary to the national security or foreign 
policy interests of the United States.
    Two types of persons are being added to the Entity List by this 
rule. The first type is persons that were listed on General Order No. 3 
prior to publication of this rule, that are now moved to the Entity 
List with publication of this rule. There were 33 persons listed on the 
general order and all of those persons are now listed on the Entity 
List with the publication of this rule. These were persons concerning 
whom the U.S. Government possessed information regarding the 
acquisition or attempted acquisition of electronic components and 
devices (``commodities'') capable of being used in the construction of 
Improvised Explosive Devices (``IEDs''). These commodities have been, 
and may continue to be, employed in IEDs or other explosive devices 
used against Coalition Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    The second type of persons being added to the Entity List with this 
rule are certain additional persons that were not previously listed on 
the general order, but are of concern to the U.S. Government for the 
same reasons as those other persons that were previously listed on the 
general order. This rule adds these additional persons to the Entity 
List also on the basis of section 744.11.
    This rule removes and reserves the general order because all of the 
persons from the general order are now listed on the Entity List with 
the publication of this rule. The Entity List provides notice to the 
public that certain exports and reexports to parties identified on the 
Entity List require a license from the Bureau of Industry and Security 
(BIS) and that availability of License Exceptions in such transactions 
is limited.

DATES: This rule is effective September 22, 2008. Although there is no 
formal comment period, public comments on this regulation are welcome 
on a continuing basis.

ADDRESSES: You may submit comments, identified by RIN 0694-AE46, by any 
of the following methods:
    E-mail: Include ``RIN 0694-AE46'' in 
the subject line of the message.
    Fax: (202) 482-3355. Please alert the Regulatory Policy Division, 
by calling (202) 482-2440, if you are faxing comments.
    Mail or Hand Delivery/Courier: Timothy Mooney, U.S. Department of 
Commerce, Bureau of Industry and Security, Regulatory Policy Division, 
14th St. & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Room 2705, Washington, DC 20230, 
Attn: RIN 0694-AE46.
    Send comments regarding the collection of information associated 
with this rule, including suggestions for reducing the burden, to 
Jasmeet Seehra, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), by e-mail to, or by fax to (202) 395-7285; and to the Regulatory 
Policy Division, Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of 
Commerce, 14th St. & Pennsylvania Avenue, NW., Room 2705, Washington, 
DC 20230. Comments on this collection of information should be 
submitted separately from comments on the final rule (i.e. RIN 0694-
AE46)--all comments on the latter should be submitted by one of the 
three methods outlined above.

Committee, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Export Administration, 
Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce, Phone: (202) 
482-3811, Fax: (202) 482-3911, e-mail:


[[Page 54500]]


    In Supplement No. 4 to part 744 (The Entity List), this rule adds 
108 persons to the Entity List on the basis of section 744.11 of the 
EAR. In total, this rule adds 115 new entries to the Entity List, 
including seven (7) additional entries for newly added persons with 
multiple addresses. Eight (8) of the entries being added include 
aliases for persons being added. The Entity List provides notice to the 
public that certain exports and reexports to parties identified on the 
Entity List require a license from the Bureau of Industry and Security 
(BIS) and that availability of License Exceptions in such transactions 
is limited.
    These additional persons being added to the Entity List have been 
determined by the U.S. Government to be acting contrary to the national 
security or foreign policy interests of the United States. 
Specifically, these parties are of concern to the United States 
Government under section 744.11 (License Requirements that Apply to 
Entities Acting Contrary to the National Security or Foreign Policy 
Interests of the United States) of the EAR.
    Pursuant to Supplement No. 5 to Part 744 (Procedures for End-User 
Review Committee Entity List Decisions), the End-User Review Committee 
(ERC) made the decision to add these 108 persons to the Entity List on 
the basis of section 744.11. The ERC, composed of representatives of 
the Departments of Commerce, State, Defense, Energy and, where 
appropriate, the Treasury, make all decisions to make additions to, 
removals from or changes to the Entity List. The ERC is chaired by the 
Department of Commerce and will make all decisions to add an entry to 
the Entity List by majority vote and all decisions to remove or modify 
an entry by unanimous vote.
    The ERC reviewed section 744.11(b) (Criteria for revising the 
Entity List) in making the determinations to add these persons to the 
Entity List. Under that paragraph, entities for which there is 
reasonable cause to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, 
that the entity has been involved, is involved, or poses a significant 
risk of being or becoming involved in activities that are contrary to 
the national security or foreign policy interests of the United States 
and those acting on behalf of such entities may be added to the Entity 
List pursuant to section 744.11. Paragraph (b) includes an illustrative 
list of activities that could be contrary to the national security or 
foreign policy interests of the United States, including paragraph 
(b)(1) (Supporting persons engaged in acts of terror).
    As was noted in the final rule that added section 744.11 to the EAR 
on August 21, 2008 (73 FR 49311), the persons described in General 
Order No. 3 in Supplement No. 1 to part 736 of the EAR would be 
considered persons engaged in acts of terror for purposes of section 
744.11 of the EAR. However, given that the general order predated the 
expansion of the Entity List (i.e., the general order was first 
published on June 5, 2006 and later amended on September 6, 2006 and 
June 8, 2007), BIS had to rely on the ad hoc procedure of issuing a 
general order and later amending that general order to impose a license 
requirement on these persons of concern. With the addition of section 
744.11 to the EAR, BIS can now move these persons from the general 
order to the Entity List, which BIS believes will simplify the EAR by 
reducing the need to issue general orders to impose license 
requirements on specific parties, thereby reducing the number of EAR 
provisions that the public would be required to review to determine 
license requirements under the EAR.

Introduction to the General Order

    Pursuant to 15 CFR parts 736 and 744, General Order No. 3, which 
was published on June 5, 2006 and subsequently amended on September 6, 
2006, imposes a license requirement for exports and reexports of all 
items subject to the EAR (15 CFR 730-774) where the transaction 
involved Mayrow General Trading (``Mayrow'') or related entities. The 
initial general order and the subsequent September 2006 amendment 
listed persons who were related to Mayrow and concerning whom the U.S. 
Government possessed information regarding the acquisition or attempted 
acquisition of electronic components and devices (``commodities'') 
capable of being used in the construction of Improvised Explosive 
Devices (``IEDs''). These commodities have been, and may continue to 
be, employed in IEDs or other explosive devices used against Coalition 
Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    In light of additional information that the U.S. Government 
received regarding continuing activity relating to commodities that are 
capable of use in the construction of IEDs, as well as a broader 
concern relating to the risk of diversion of commodities for such a 
purpose, the general order was subsequently amended in a rule published 
on June 8, 2007 that expanded the scope of the general order. Sixteen 
additional persons who fit within the expanded scope of the order were 
also listed at that time.
    Pursuant to the June 8, 2007 expansion, the general order imposes a 
license requirement for exports and reexports of all items subject to 
the EAR where the transaction involves persons in one of two groups. 
First, the general order covers persons whom the U.S. Government has 
reason to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, are 
affiliated with or related to Mayrow. Inclusion of such persons guards 
against the risk that persons may attempt to evade the general order's 
bar on unlicensed exports or reexports to Mayrow by diverting 
commodities to Mayrow or to persons who are affiliated with or related 
to Mayrow. The general order covers such persons by specifically 
listing them.
    Second, the general order covers persons whom the U.S. Government 
has reason to believe, based on specific and articulable facts, have 
acquired or attempted to acquire commodities that are capable of being 
used in the construction of IEDs. These commodities have been, and may 
continue to be, employed in IEDs or other explosive devices used 
against Coalition Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan. The general order 
covers such persons by specifically listing them. To guard against the 
risk of diversion of such commodities for IED-related purposes, the 
order also specifically lists the persons who are affiliated with or 
related to such persons.

Removal of General Order From the EAR

    In Supplement No. 1 to part 736 (General Orders), this rule removes 
and reserves the general order because all of the persons from the 
general order will now be listed on the Entity List with the 
publication of this rule.

Persons Being Added to the Entity List

    The persons being added to the Entity List with this rule can be 
broken down into two types of persons. The first type is persons that 
were listed on General Order No. 3, prior to publication of this rule, 
that are now moved to the Entity List with publication of this rule. 
There were 33 persons listed on the general order and all of those 
persons are now listed on the Entity List with the publication of this 
    The second type of persons being added to the Entity List with this 
rule is 75 additional persons that were not previously listed on the 
general order, but are of concern to the U.S. Government for the same 
reasons as those other persons that were previously

[[Page 54501]]

listed on the general order. This rule adds these additional persons to 
the Entity List also on the basis of section 744.11.

Implementation of the ERC Decision

    This rule implements the decision of the ERC to add these 108 
persons to the Entity List on the basis of section 744.11 of the EAR. 
For these persons being added to the Entity List, the ERC decided to 
specify a license requirement for all items subject to the EAR and 
establish a license application review policy of a general policy of 
denial. A license requirement applies to any transaction in which items 
are to be exported or reexported to such persons or in which such 
persons acts as purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate consignee, 
or end-user. In addition, the ERC decided that no license exceptions 
are available for shipments to those persons being added to the Entity 
    In addition, the ERC decided to add separate listings on the Entity 
List for persons that had additional addresses in multiple countries 
(seven had addresses in multiple countries). Persons with aliases were 
included in the same entries (eight persons had aliases). In total, 115 
additional entries are being added to the Entity List with this rule. 
For those entries with multiple addresses a note will be included in 
the Entity List column entry for each of those entries that will direct 
exporters to the alternate listing on the Entity List. BIS is adding 
these additional entries to assist the public in better identifying 
these persons of concern.
    Specifically, this rule adds the following 108 persons under 115 
entries, to account for the 7 persons with addresses in multiple 
countries, to the Entity List:

    Note: Persons designated by an asterisk in the following list 
were listed on the general order. Persons with multiple addresses 
have separate listings on the Entity List with cross references. 
Persons with aliases are listed in the same entry.


(1) Ali Bakhshien, 909-4005 Bayview Ave., Toronto, Canada M2M 3Z9; and
(2) Kitro Corporation, 909-4005 Bayview Ave., Toronto, Canada M2M 3Z9.

China, People's Republic of

(3) A.C. International, Room 1104, North Tower Yueziu City Plaza, No. 
445 Dong Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou, China;
(4) Asia International Trading Company, Room 1104, North Tower Yueziu 
City Plaza, No. 445 Dong Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou, China; and
(5) Tracy Little, Room 1104, North Tower Yueziu City Plaza, No. 445 
Dong Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou, China.


(6) H Logic, Behind 14 Mahmoud Sedky St., El Ekbal, Alexandria, Egypt;
(7) Hesham Yehia, Behind 14 Mahmoud Sedky St., El Ekbal, Alexandria, 
Egypt; and
(8) Najeeb Al Awadhi, 14 Mahmoud Sedky St., El Ekbal, Alexandria, 


*(9) Akbar Ashraf Vaghefi, Koburgerstr 10, D-10825, Berlin, Germany 
(See alternate address under U.A.E.);
(10) Djamshid Nezhad, Poppentrade 25, D-24148, Kiel, Germany;
*(11) IKCO Trading GmbH, Schadowplatz 5, 40212 Dusseldorf, Germany; and
(12) Nezhad Enterprise Company, Poppentrade 25, D-24148 Kiel, Germany.

Hong Kong

(13) Amy So, Room 1701, New Commerce Centre, 19 On Sum St., Siu Lek 
Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong;
(14) Antony Emmanuel, No: 3 & 4; 12F Commercial VIP Building, 112-116 
Canton Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong (See alternate address under 
(15) Asia Link, Flat 1022, 10/F, No. 1 Hung To Rd, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, 
Hong Kong;
(16) Britestone, 4/F, Chinabest International Centre, 8 Kwai On Rd, 
Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong;
(17) Bruce Lam, 11/F Excelsior Bldg., 68-76 Sha Tsui Rd., Tsuen Wan, 
New Territories, Hong Kong;
(18) Creative Electronics, Room 2202c, 22/F, Nan Fung Centre, 264-298 
Castle Peak Road, Hong Kong and G/F 1--J Wong Chuk Street Shamshuipo, 
Kowloon, Hong Kong;
*(19) Frank Lam, 1206-7, 12/F New Victory House, Hong Kong;
(20) Gary Chan, 4/F, Chinabest International Centre, 8 Kwai On Rd, Kwai 
Chung, N.T., Hong Kong;
(21) Green Channel Electronics Company, Unit 902, Ricky Center, 36 
Chong Yip St., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong;
(22) Kong Fat Electronic Trading Limited, Unit 5, 1/F, Block A, Hoplite 
Industrial Centre, 3-5 Wang Tai Rd., Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong;
(23) Pelorus Enterprises Limited, 12F Commercial VIP Building, 112-116 
Canton Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong;
(24) Polar Star International Co. Ltd., 1905 Yen Sheng Center, 64 Hoi 
Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong, Kin, Hong Kong;
*(25) Speedy Electronics Ltd., 1206-7, 12/F New Victory House, Hong 
(26) Techlink Electronics, Unit 5, 18/F, Laurels Industrial Centre, 32 
Tai Yau St., San Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong;
(27) TLG Electronics, Room 1701, New Commerce Centre, 19 On Sum St., 
Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong;
(28) Unite Chance Technology Company, Workshop A14, 5/F, Block A Sheung 
Shui Plaza, 3 Ka Fu Close Sheung Shui, N.T., Hong Kong;
*(29) United Sources Industrial Enterprises, 11/F, Excelsior Building, 
68-76 Sha Tsui Road, Hong Kong;
(30) Wing Shing Computer Components Company (H.K.) Ltd., Unit E, 9/F, 
Lladro Centre, 72 Hoi Yuen Rd, Kwon Tong, Kin, Hong Kong;
*(31) Y-Sing Components Limited, Unit 401, Harbour Ctr., Tower 2, 8 Hok 
Cheung Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong.


(32) Aflak Micro Electronics, Tehranno 14, Golkade St., Arash Mehr Ave, 
Tehran, Iran;
(33) Ahmad Rahzad, a.k.a., Saeb Karim, 29, 1st Floor, Amjad Bldg, 
Jomhoori Ave, Tehran, Iran (See alternate address under Malaysia);
(34) Ali Reza Seif, 34 Mansour Street, Tehran, Iran;
(35) Arash Dadgar, No. 10, 64th St., Yousafabad, Tehran, Iran, 14368;
(36) Bahman Ghandi, a.k.a., Brian Ghandi, No, 14, Golkadeh St. 
Arashmehr St. Tehran, Iran;
(37) Elecomponents, Iran;
(38) Faradis Production, No 33, Second Floor, Amjad Electronic Center, 
Jomhouri Ave, Tehran, Iran;
(39) Farhad Maani, 67, 1st Floor, No. 3, Ebn-E Sina St., Mr. ValiAsr 
Ave, W. of Beheshti, Tehran, Iran;
*(40) GBNTT, No. 34 Mansour Street, Tehran, Iran;
(41) Golza Engineering Company, No. 80/1, Fourth Floor, North Sindokht 
St., Dr. Fatemi Ave, Tehran, 14118, Iran;
(42) Hamid Reza Ansarian, P.O. Box 19575-354, Tehran, Iran;
*(43) Iraj Najmi, No. 80/1, Fourth Floor, North Sindokht St., Dr. 
Fatemi Ave, Tehran, 14118, Iran;
(44) Maryan Jahanshahi, 34 Mansour St, Motahari-ValiAsr Street 
Junction, Tehran, Iran;
(45) Mohammed Narjespour, 34 Mansour St, ValiAsr-Motahari Crossing, 
Tehran, Iran;
(46) Moslem Nasiri, 34 Mansour St, ValiAsr-Motahari Crossing, Tehran, 

[[Page 54502]]

(47) M.R. Ahmadi, P.O. Box 19575/199, Tehran, Iran;
(48) NBC Navegan Bar Co. Ltd.,  135 Khorramshahr Ave, Tehran 
*(49) Neda Industrial Group, No. 10 and 12, 64th St. Jamalodin 
Asadabadi Avenue, Tehran, Iran;
*(50) Nedayeh Micron Electronics, No. 34 Mansour St., Tehran, Iran;
(51) Niasan Century Industry, Unit 2, GF, No:1, Marzban Name Alley, 
Mofateh St., Motahari Ave, 1588875333, Tehran, Iran;
(52) Rad Tavan Afza Company, 3rd Floor, No. 210, W. Fatemi, Tehran, 
Iran 14185387; and 1st Pars Bldg, Beg. Pars Alley, Betw Khosh & 
Behboudi St., Azadi Ave, Tehran, Iran;
(53) Sanaye Electronic Arman Ertebat Nemad Company (SAEN CO.), 67, 1st 
Floor, No. 3, Ebn-E Sina St., Mr. ValiAsr Ave, W. of Beheshti, Tehran, 
(54) Simin Neda Industrial and Electrical Parts, No. 22, Second Floor, 
Amjad Bldg, Jomhoori Ave, Tehran, Iran;
(55) Toos Electronics, 29, 1st Floor, Amjad Bldg, Jomhoori Ave, Tehran, 
Iran; and
(56) Vizneh Trading Company, 34 Mansour St., Motahari and ValiAsr 
Junction, Tehran, Iran, 1595747764.


(57) Advanced Technology General Trading Company, Hawalli, Bin Khaldoun 
St., Fadhalah Complex, Mizzanin, Office 4, P.O. Box 22682, 
Safat, 13087, Kuwait. (See alternate address under U.A.E.);
(58) Abubakr Abuelazm, Hawalli, Bin Khaldoun St., Fadhalah Complex, 
Mizzanin, Office 4, P.O. Box 22682, Safat, 13087, Kuwait (See 
alternate address under U.A.E.).


*(59) EKT Electronics, 1st floor, Hujij Building, Korniche Street, P.O. 
Box 817 No. 3, Beirut, Lebanon (See alternate address under Syria); and
*(60) Mohammed Katranji, 1st floor, Hujij Building, Korniche Street, 
P.O. Box 817 No. 3, Beirut, Lebanon (See alternate address under 


(61) Ace Hub System, No. 15, Jalan PJS 11/16, Taman Bandar Sunway, 
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia;
(62) Ahmad Rahzad, a.k.a., Saeb Karim, 27-06, Amcorp Bldg, Jalan 18, 
Persiaran Barat, Petaling Jaya, 46050 Selangor, Malaysia (See alternate 
address under Iran);
(63) Analytical Solutions, GB (Ground Floor), Pearl Tower, 
O.G. Heights, Jalan Awan Cina, 58200 Kuala Lampur, Malaysia;
(64) Ann Teck Tong, 97C, Jalan Kenari 23, Puchong Jaya, Puchong, 
Selangor, Malaysia Suite D23, Tkt. 2, Plaza Pekeliling, Jalan Tun 
Razak, Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah, Peresekkutuan, Malaysia;
(65) Antcorp System, 5-02 Wisma Pantai, Jalan Wisma Pantai, 12200 
Butterworth, Penang, Malaysia;
(66) Brian Kaam, a.k.a., Kaam Chee Mun, No. 15, Jalan PJS 11/16, Taman 
Bandar Sunway, 46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia;
(67) East Tech, Malaysia;
(68) Eco Biochem SDN BHD, No. 15, Jalan PJS 11/16, Taman Bandar Sunway, 
46150 Petaling Jaya, Selangor D.E., Malaysia;
(69) Festsco Marketing SDN BHD, 97C, Jalan Kenari 23, Puchong Jaya, 
Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia and Suite D23, Tkt. 2, Plaza Pekeliling, 
Jalan Tun Razak; Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekkutuan, Malaysia;
*(70) Majid Seif, a.k.a., Mark Ong and Matti Chong, 27-06 Amcorp 
Building, Jalan 18, Persiaran Barat 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, 
(71) Mohd Ansari, GB (Ground Floor), Pearl Tower, O.G. 
Heights, Jalan Awan Cina, 58200 Kuala Lampur, Malaysia;
(72) Nexus Empire, a.k.a., Vast Solution 2706, Amcorp Bldg, Jalan 
Persiaran Barat, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia;
*(73) Vast Solution Sdn Bhd., 27-06 Amcorp Building, Jalan 18, 
Persiaran Barat, 46050 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia; and
(74) VTE Industrial Automation SDN BHD, 97C, Jalan Kenari 23, Puchong 
Jaya, Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia.


(75) Cyberinn PTE LTD, 1 Rochor Canal Road, 06-07 Sim Lim 
Square, 188504, Singapore;
(76) Strive Components, Block 10 Toa Payoh Industrial Park Lor 8 
01-1221, Singapore, 319062; and
(77) Synoptics Imaging Systems Pte Ltd., 12 Lor Bakar Batu 06-
09, Singapore, 348745.

South Korea

(78) WASTEC, Inc., a.k.a., With Advanced Systemic Technology, Room 
3303, 3304, Na-Dong Chungang Circulation Complex, 1258, 
Gurobon-Dong, Guro-gu, Seoul, South Korea.


*(79) EKT Electronics, 1st floor, Abbasieh Building, Hijaz Street, P.O. 
Box 10112, Damascus, Syria (See alternate address under Lebanon);
*(80) Encyclopedia Electronics Center, Musalam Al-Baroudi Street, 
Halbouni, Damascus, Syria; and
(81) Mohammed Katranji, 1st floor, Abbasieh Building, Hijaz Street, 
P.O. Box 10112, Damascus, Syria (See alternate address under Lebanon).

United Arab Emirates

*(82) A.H. Shamnad, P.O. Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and No. 3-4 Sharafia 
Ahmed Ali Building, Al Nakheel, Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.;
(83) Abubakr Abuelazm, Dubai, U.A.E. (See alternate address under 
(84) Advanced Technology General Trading Company, Hawalli, Bin Khaldoun 
St., Fadhalah Complex, Mizzanin, Office 4, P.O. Box 22682, 
Safat, 13087, Dubai, U.A.E. (See alternate address under Kuwait);
*(85) Akbar Ashraf Vaghefi, Shop No. 3-4 Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, 
Al Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.; (See alternate address under 
*(86) Al-Faris, RAK Free Zone, P.O. Box 10559, Ras Al Khaimah, U.A.E.;
*(87) Ali Akbar Yahya, 505 Siraj Building 17B Street, Mankhool, Dubai, 
(88) Ali Reza Divanizadeh, Al Ras Center Building, Behind Al Ras Hotel, 
Shop No. B-05, P.O. Box 5680, Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(89) Amir Mohammad Zahedi, RAK Free Zone, P.O. Box 10559, Ras Al 
Khaimah, U.A.E.;
(90) Antony Emmanuel, No: 3 & 4; Sharifia Ahmed Ali Bldg, P.O. Box 
42340, Al Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E. (See alternate address under 
Hong Kong);
*(91) Atlinx Electronics, Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al Maktum Road, P.O. 
Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, 
al-Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
(92) Danoush Trading Company, No. 104, Beside Kheibar Hotel, Morshed 
Market St., Dubai, U.A.E.;
(93) Divanizadeh General Trading Company, Al Ras Center Building, 
Behind Al Ras Hotel, Shop No. B-05, P.O. Box 5680, Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(94) Farrokh Nia Yaghmaei, a.k.a., Farrokh Nia Yaghmayi, Flat 401-Bin 
Yas Center--Al Maktum Road, P.O. Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and Shops 3-
4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, al-Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
(95) Feroz Jafar, Al Salam St., P.O. Box 2946, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.;
*(96) H. Ghasir, Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al Maktum Road, P.O. Box 
42340, Dubai, UAE; and Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, al-
Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
(97) Hamed Al Fahid Trading Company, Shop No. 3-4 Ahmed Ali Bldg, Al 
Jalel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;

[[Page 54503]]

*(98) Hamed Athari, No. 3-4 Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, Al Nakheel, 
Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.;
*(99) Majidco Micro Electronics, Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al Maktum 
Road, P.O. Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali 
Building, al-Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(100) Mayrow General Trading, Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al Maktum Road, 
P.O. Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, 
al-Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.; P.O. Box 42340, Deira, Dubayy, 
U.A.E.; and P.O. Box 171978, Deira, Dubayy, U.A.E.;
*(101) Mayrow Technics Co., No. 3-4 Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, Al 
Nakheel, Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.;
(102) Mehdi Rafie, Shop No. 3 & 4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Bldg, Al Nakheel 
St., Deira, P.O. Box 171978, Dubai, U.A.E.;
(103) Mehran Kamalinia, a.k.a., Ronald Simon, Shop No. 3 & 4, Sharafia 
Ahmed Ali Bldg, Al Nakheel St., Deira, P.O. Box 171978, Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(104) Micatic General Trading, Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al Maktum 
Road, P.O. Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali 
Building, al-Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(105) Micro Middle East Electronics, Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al 
Maktum Road, P.O. Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4, Sharafia 
Ahmed Ali Building, al-Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
(106) Mohsen Saghafi, Shop No. 3 & 4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Bldg, Al 
Nakheel St., Deira, P.O. Box 171978, Dubai, U.A.E.;
(107) Mostafa Salehi, No. 308, 3rd Floor, Rafi Center, Al Nakheel, 
Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(108) Narinco, Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al Maktum Road, P.O. Box 
42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, al-
Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
(109) Neda Kargar, No. 308, 3rd Floor, Rafi Center, Al Nakheel, Deira, 
Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(110) Neda Overseas Electronics L.L.C., No. 308, 3rd Floor, Rafi 
Center, Al Nakheel, Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.;
*(111) Pyramid Technologies, P.O. Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and No. 3-
4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, Al Nakheel, Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.;
*(112) S. Basheer, No. 3-4 Sharafia Ahmed Ali Building, Al Nakheel, 
Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.;
*(113) Sayed-Ali Hosseini, 201 Latifah Building, Al Maktoum St., Dubai, 
(114) Shaji Muhammed Basheer, Shop No. 3 & 4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali Bldg, 
Al Nakheel St., Deira, P.O. Box 171978, Dubai, U.A.E.; and
(115) Telectron, Al Salam St., P.O. Box 2946, Abu Dhabi, U.A.E.

    Under these entries on the Entity List, a BIS license is required 
for the export or reexport of any item subject to the EAR to any of the 
persons listed above, including any transaction in which any of the 
listed persons will act as purchaser, intermediate consignee, ultimate 
consignee, or end-user of the items. This listing of these persons also 
prohibits the use of License Exceptions (see part 740 of the EAR) for 
exports and reexports of items subject to the EAR involving such 
    Although the Export Administration Act expired on August 20, 2001, 
the President, through Executive Order 13222 of August 17, 2001, 3 CFR, 
2001 Comp., p. 783 (2002), as extended by the Notice of July 23, 2008, 
73 FR 43603 (July 25, 2008), has continued the Export Administration 
Regulations in effect under the International Emergency Economic Powers 

Rulemaking Requirements

    1. This rule has been determined to be significant for purposes of 
Executive Order 12866.
    2. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, no person is 
required to respond to nor be subject to a penalty for failure to 
comply with a collection of information, subject to the requirements of 
the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) (PRA), 
unless that collection of information displays a currently valid Office 
of Management and Budget (OMB) Control Number. This regulation involves 
collections previously approved by the OMB under control numbers 0694-
0088, ``Multi-Purpose Application,'' which carries a burden hour 
estimate of 58 minutes to prepare and submit form BIS-748. 
Miscellaneous and recordkeeping activities account for 12 minutes per 
submission. Total burden hours associated with the Paperwork Reduction 
Act and Office of Management and Budget control number 0694-0088 are 
expected to increase slightly as a result of this rule.
    3. This rule does not contain policies with Federalism implications 
as that term is defined in Executive Order 13132.
    4. The provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 
553) requiring notice of proposed rulemaking, the opportunity for 
public participation, and a delay in effective date, are inapplicable 
because this regulation involves a military or foreign affairs function 
of the United States. (See 5 U.S.C. 553(a)(1)) Further, no other law 
requires that a notice of proposed rulemaking and an opportunity for 
public comment be given for this rule. Because a notice of proposed 
rulemaking and an opportunity for public comment are not required to be 
given for this rule by 5 U.S.C. 553, or by any other law, the 
analytical requirements of the Regulatory Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 601 
et seq., are not applicable.

List of Subjects

15 CFR Part 736

    Exports, Foreign trade.

15 CFR Part 744

    Exports, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Terrorism.

Accordingly, parts 736 and 744 of the Export Administration Regulations 
(15 CFR parts 730-774) are amended as follows:


1. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 736 is revised to read as 

    Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 
22 U.S.C. 2151 note; E.O. 12938, 59 FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 
950; E.O. 13020, 61 FR 54079, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp. p. 219; E.O. 13026, 
61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 228; E.O. 13222, 66 FR 44025, 3 
CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13338, 69 FR 26751, May 13, 2004; 
Notice of July 23, 2008, 73 FR 43603 (July 25, 2008); Notice of 
November 8, 2007, 72 FR 63963 (November 13, 2007).

2. General Order 3 to Supplement No. 1 to part 736 is removed and 

Part 744--[AMENDED]

3. The authority citation for 15 CFR part 744 continues to read as 

    Authority: 50 U.S.C. app. 2401 et seq.; 50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.; 
22 U.S.C. 3201 et seq.; 42 U.S.C. 2139a; 22 U.S.C. 7201 et seq.; 22 
U.S.C. 7210; E.O. 12058, 43 FR 20947, 3 CFR, 1978 Comp., p. 179; 
E.O. 12851, 58 FR 33181, 3 CFR, 1993 Comp., p. 608; E.O. 12938, 59 
FR 59099, 3 CFR, 1994 Comp., p. 950; E.O. 12947, 60 FR 5079, 3 CFR, 
1995 Comp., p. 356; E.O. 13026, 61 FR 58767, 3 CFR, 1996 Comp., p. 
228; E.O. 13099, 63 FR 45167, 3 CFR, 1998 Comp., p. 208; E.O. 13222, 
66 FR 44025, 3 CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 783; E.O. 13224, 66 FR 49079, 3 
CFR, 2001 Comp., p. 786; Notice of July 23, 2008, 73 FR 43603 (July 
25, 2008); Notice of November 8, 2007, 72 FR 63963 (November 13, 

4. Supplement No. 4 to part 744 is amended:
    (a) By adding, in alphabetical order, the countries of Canada, 
Egypt, Germany, Hong Kong, Kuwait, Lebanon,

[[Page 54504]]

Malaysia, Singapore, and South Korea, and two Canadian entities, three 
Egyptian entities, four German entities, nineteen Hong Kong entities, 
two Kuwaiti entities, two Lebanese entities, fourteen Malaysian 
entities, three Singaporean entities, and one South Korean entity;
    (b) By adding under China, in alphabetical order, three Chinese 
    (c) By adding under Iran, in alphabetical order, twenty-five 
Iranian entities;
    (d) By adding under Syria, in alphabetical order, three Syrian 
entities; and
    (e) By adding under United Arab Emirates, in alphabetical order, 
thirty-four UAE entities to read as follows:

                                                        Supplement No. 4 to Part 744--Entity List
                                                                                                                                     Federal Register
              Country                          Entity               License requirement            License review policy                 citation

                                                                      * * * * * * *
Canada............................  Ali Bakhshien, 909-4005       For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Bayview Ave.,.                to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                    Toronto, Canada M2M 3Z9.....    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Kitro Corporation, 909-4005   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Bayview Ave., Toronto,        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Canada M2M 3Z9.                744.11 of the EAR).

                                                                      * * * * * * *
China, People's Republic of.......  A.C. International, Room      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     1104, North Tower Yueziu      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     City Plaza, No. 445 Dong       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Feng Zhong Rd., Guangzhou,
                                    Asia International Trading    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Company, Room 1104, North     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Tower Yueziu City Plaza,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     No. 445 Dong Feng Zhong
                                     Rd., Guangzhou, China.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Tracy Little, Room 1104,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     North Tower Yueziu City       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Plaza, No. 445 Dong Feng       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Zhong Rd., Guangzhou, China.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
Egypt.............................  H Logic, Behind 14 Mahmoud    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Sedky St., El Ekbal,          to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Alexandria, Egypt.             744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Hesham Yehia, Behind 14       For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Mahmoud Sedky St., El         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Ekbal, Alexandria, Egypt.      744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Najeeb Al Awadhi, 14 Mahmoud  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Sedky St., El Ekbal,          to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Alexandria, Egypt.             744.11 of the EAR).
Germany...........................  Akbar Ashraf Vaghefi,         For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Koburgerstr 10, D-10825,      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Berlin, Germany (See           744.11 of the EAR).
                                     alternate address under
                                    Djamshid Nezhad, Poppentrade  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     25, D-24148, Kiel, Germany.   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    IKCO Trading GmbH,            For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Schadowplatz 5, 40212,        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Dusseldorf, Germany.           744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Nezhad Enterprise Company,    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Poppentrade 25, D-24148,      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Kiel, Germany.                 744.11 of the EAR).
Hong Kong.........................  Amy So, Room 1701, New        For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Commerce Centre, 19 On Sum    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     St., Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     N.T., Hong Kong.

[[Page 54505]]

                                    Antony Emmanuel, No.: 3 &4;   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     12F Commercial VIP            to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Building, 112-116 Canton       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong
                                     Kong (See alternate address
                                     under U.A.E.).
                                    Asia Link, Flat 1022, 10/F,   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     No. 1 Hung To Rd., Kwun       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.      744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Britestone, 4/F, Chinabest    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     International Centre, 8       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Kwai On Rd., Kwai Chung,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     N.T., Hong Kong.
                                    Bruce Lam, 11/F Excelsior     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Bldg., 68-76 Sha Tsui Rd.,    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Tsuen Wan, New Territories,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Hong Kong.
                                    Creative Electronics, Room    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     2202c, 22/F, Nan Fung         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Centre, 264-298 Castle Peak    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Road, Hong Kong and G/F 1--
                                     J Wong Chuk Street
                                     Shamshuipo, Kowloon, Hong
                                    Frank Lam, 1206-7, 12/F New   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Victory House, Hong Kong.     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Gary Chan, 4/F, Chinabest     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     International Centre, 8       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Kwai On Rd., Kwai Chung,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     N.T., Hong Kong.
                                    Green Channel Electronics     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Company, Unit 902, Ricky      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Center, 36 Chong Yip St.,      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong
                                    Kong Fat Electronic Trading   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Limited, Unit 5, 1/F, Block   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     A, Hoplite Industrial          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Centre, 3-5 Wang Tai Rd.,
                                     Kowloon Bay, Kowloon, Hong
                                    Pelorus Enterprises Limited,  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     12F Commercial VIP            to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Building, 112-116 Canton       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong
                                    Polar Star International Co.  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Ltd., 1905 Yen Sheng          to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Center, 64 Hoi Yuen Rd.,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Kwun Tong, Kin, Hong Kong.
                                    Speedy Electronics Ltd.,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     1206-7, 12/F New Victory      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     House, Hong Kong.              744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Techlink Electronics, Unit    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     5, 18/F, Laurels Industrial   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Centre, 32 Tai Yau St., San    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Po Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
                                    TLG Electronics, Room 1701,   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     New Commerce Centre, 19 On    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Sum St., Siu Lek Yuen,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.
                                    Unite Chance Technology       For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Company, Workshop A14, 5/F,   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Block A Sheung Shui Plaza,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     3 Ka Fu Close Sheung Shui,
                                     N.T., Hong Kong.
                                    United Sources Industrial     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Enterprises, 11/F,            to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Excelsior Building, 68-76      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Sha Tsui Road, Hong Kong.
                                    Wing Shing Computer           For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Components Company (H.K.)     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Ltd., Unit E, 9/F, Lladro      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Centre, 72 Hoi Yuen Rd.,
                                     Kwon Tong, Kin, Hong Kong.

[[Page 54506]]

                                    Y-Sing Components Limited,    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Unit 401, Harbour Ctr.,       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Tower 2, 8 Hok Cheung          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon,
                                     Hong Kong.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
Iran..............................  Aflak Micro Electronics,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Tehranno 14, Golkade St.,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Arash Mehr Ave., Tehran,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Ahmad Rahzad, a.k.a., Saeb    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Karim, 29, 1st Floor, Amjad   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Bldg., Jomhoori Ave.,          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Tehran, Iran (See alternate
                                     address under Malaysia).
                                    Ali Reza Seif, 34 Mansour     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Street, Tehran, Iran.         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Arash Dadgar, No. 10, 64th    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     St., Yousafabad, Tehran,      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Iran, 14368.                   744.11 of the EAR).

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Bahman Ghandi, a.k.a., Brian  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Ghandi, No. 14, Golkadeh      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     St., Arashmehr St., Tehran,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Elecomponents, Iran.........  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                                                   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Faradis Production, No. 33,   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Second Floor, Amjad           to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Electronic Center, Jomhouri    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Ave., Tehran, Iran.
                                    Farhad Maani, 67, 1st Floor,  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     No. 3, Ebn-E Sina St., Mr.    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     ValiAsr Ave., W. of            744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Beheshti, Tehran, Iran.
                                    GBNTT, No. 34 Mansour         For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Street, Tehran, Iran.         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Golza Engineering Company,    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     No. 80/1, Fourth Floor,       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     North Sindokht St., Dr.        744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Fatemi Ave., Tehran, 14118,
                                    Hamid Reza Ansarian, P.O.     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Box 19575-354, Tehran, Iran.  to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Iraj Najmi, No. 80/1, Fourth  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Floor, North Sindokht St.,    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Dr. Fatemi Ave., Tehran,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     14118, Iran.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Maryan Jahanshahi, 34         For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Mansour St., Motahari-        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     ValiAsr Street Junction,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Tehran, Iran.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Mohammed Narjespour, 34       For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Mansour St., ValiAsr-         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Motahari Crossing, Tehran,     744.11 of the EAR).

[[Page 54507]]

                                    Moslem Nasiri, 34 Mansour     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     St., ValiAsr-Motahari         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Crossing, Tehran, Iran.        744.11 of the EAR).
                                    M.R. Ahmadi, P.O. Box 19575/  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     199, Tehran, Iran.            to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    NBC Navegan Bar Co. Ltd.,     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                      135 Khorramshahr    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Ave., Tehran 15338.            744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Neda Industrial Group, No.    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     10 and 12, 64th St.           to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Jamalodin Asadabadi Avenue,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Tehran, Iran.
                                    Nedayeh Micron Electronics,   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     No. 34 Mansour St., Tehran,   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Iran.                          744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Niasan Century Industry,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Unit 2, GF, No.:1, Marzban    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Name Alley, Mofateh St.,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Motahari Ave., 1588875333,
                                     Tehran, Iran.
                                    Rad Tavan Afza Company, 3rd   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Floor, No. 210, W. Fatemi,    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Tehran, Iran 14185387 and      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     1st Pars Bldg., Beg. Pars
                                     Alley, Betw Khosh &
                                     Behboudi St., Azadi Ave.,
                                     Tehran, Iran.
                                    Sanaye Electronic Arman       For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Ertebat Nemad Company (SAEN   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     CO.), 67, 1st Floor, No. 3,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Ebn-E Sina St., Mr. ValiAsr
                                     Ave., W. of Beheshti,
                                     Tehran, Iran.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Simin Neda Industrial and     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Electrical Parts, No. 22,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Second Floor, Amjad Bldg.,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Jomhoori Ave., Tehran, Iran.
                                    Toos Electronics, 29, 1st     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Floor, Amjad Bldg.,           to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Jomhoori Ave., Tehran, Iran.   744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Vizneh Trading Company, 34    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Mansour St., Motahari and     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     ValiAsr Junction, Tehran,      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Iran, 1595747764.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
Kuwait............................  Advanced Technology General   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Trading Company, Hawalli,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Bin Khaldoun St., Fadhalah     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Complex, Mizzanin, Office
                                     4, P.O. Box 22682,
                                     Safat, 13087, Kuwait. (See
                                     alternate address under
                                    Abubakr Abuelazm, Hawalli,    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Bin Khaldoun St., Fadhalah    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Complex, Mizzanin, Office      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     4, P.O. Box 22682,
                                     Safat, 13087, Kuwait (See
                                     alternate address under
Lebanon...........................  EKT Electronics, 1st floor,   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Hujij Building, Korniche      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Street, P.O. Box 817 No. 3,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Beirut, Lebanon (See
                                     alternate address under
                                    Mohammed Katranji, 1st        For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     floor, Hujij Building,        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Korniche Street, P.O. Box      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     817 No. 3, Beirut, Lebanon
                                     (See alternate address
                                     under Syria).
Malaysia..........................  Ace Hub System, No. 15,       For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Jalan PJS 11/16, Taman        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Bandar Sunway, 46150           744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Petaling Jaya, Selangor,

[[Page 54508]]

                                    Ahmad Rahzad, a.k.a., Saeb    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Karim, 27-06, Amcorp Bldg.,   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Jalan 18, Persiaran Barat,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Petaling Jaya, 46050
                                     Selangor, Malaysia (See
                                     alternate address under
                                    Analytical Solutions, GB (Ground Floor), Pearl    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Tower, O.G. Heights, Jalan     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Awan Cina, 58200 Kuala
                                     Lampur, Malaysia.
                                    Ann Teck Tong, 97C, Jalan     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Kenari 23, Puchong Jaya,      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Suite D23, Tkt. 2, Plaza
                                     Pekeliling, Jalan Tun
                                     Razak, Kuala Lumpur,
                                     Wilayah, Peresekkutuan,
                                    Antcorp System, 5-02 Wisma    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Pantai, Jalan Wisma Pantai,   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     12200 Butterworth, Penang,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Brian Kaam, a.k.a., Kaam      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Chee Mun, No. 15, Jalan PJS   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     11/16, Taman Bandar Sunway,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     46150 Petaling Jaya,
                                     Selangor, Malaysia.
                                    East Tech, Malaysia.........  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                                                   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                                                    744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Eco Biochem SDN BHD, No. 15,  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Jalan PJS 11/16, Taman        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Bandar Sunway, 46150           744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Petaling Jaya, Selangor
                                     D.E., Malaysia.
                                    Festsco Marketing SDN BHD,    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     97C, Jalan Kenari 23,         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Puchong Jaya, Puchong,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Selangor, Malaysia and
                                     Suite D23, Tkt. 2, Plaza
                                     Pekeliling, Jalan Tun
                                     Razak; Kuala Lumpur,
                                     Wilayah Persekkutuan,
                                    Majid Seif, a.k.a., Mark Ong  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     and Matti Chong, 27-06        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Amcorp Building, Jalan 18,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Persiaran Barat 46050
                                     Petaling Jaya, Selangor,
                                    Mohd Ansari, GB      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     (Ground Floor), Pearl         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Tower, O.G. Heights, Jalan     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Awan Cina, 58200 Kuala
                                     Lampur, Malaysia.
                                    Nexus Empire, a.k.a., Vast    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Solution 2706, Amcorp         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Bldg., Jalan Persiaran         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Barat, Petaling Jaya,
                                     Selangor, Malaysia.
                                    Vast Solution Sdn Bhd., 27-   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     06 Amcorp Building, Jalan     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     18, Persiaran Barat, 46050     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Petaling Jaya, Selangor,
                                    VTE Industrial Automation     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     SDN BHD, 97C, Jalan Kenari    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     23, Puchong Jaya, Puchong,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Selangor, Malaysia.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
Singapore.........................  Cyberinn PTE LTD, 1 Rochor    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Canal Road, 06-07    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Sim Lim Square, 188504,        744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Strive Components, Block 10   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Toa Payoh Industrial Park     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Lor 8 01-1221,        744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Singapore, 319062.
                                    Synoptics Imaging Systems     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Pte Ltd., 12 Lor Bakar Batu   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     06-09, Singapore,     744.11 of the EAR).

[[Page 54509]]

South Korea.......................  WASTEC, Inc., a.k.a., With    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Advanced Systemic             to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Technology, Room 3303,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     3304, Na-Dong Chungang
                                     Circulation Complex, 1258, Gurobon-Dong, Guro-
                                     gu, Seoul, South Korea.
Syria.............................  EKT Electronics, 1st floor,   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Abbasieh Building, Hijaz      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Street, P.O. Box 10112,        744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Damascus, Syria (See
                                     alternate address under
                                    Encyclopedia Electronics      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Center, Musalam Al-Baroudi    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Street, Halbouni, Damascus,    744.11 of the EAR).

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Mohammed Katranji, 1st        For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     floor, Abbasieh Building,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Hijaz Street, P.O. Box         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     10112, Damascus, Syria;
                                     (See alternate address
                                     under Lebanon).

                                                                      * * * * * * *
United Arab Emirates..............  A.H. Shamnad, P.O. Box        For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     No. 3-4 Sharafia Ahmed Ali     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Building, Al Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.
                                    Abubakr Abuelazm, Dubai,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     U.A.E. (See alternate         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     address under Kuwait).         744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Advanced Technology General   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Trading Company, Hawalli,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Bin Khaldoun St., Fadhalah     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Complex, Mizzanin, Office
                                     4, P.O. Box 22682,
                                     Safat 13087, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                     (See alternate address
                                     under Kuwait).
                                    Akbar Ashraf Vaghefi, Shop    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     No. 3-4 Sharafia Ahmed Ali    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Building, Al Nakheel,          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.; (See
                                     alternate address under
                                    Al-Faris, RAK Free Zone,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     P.O. Box 10559, Ras Al        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Khaimah, U.A.E.                744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Ali Akbar Yahya, 505 Siraj    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Building 17B Street,          to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Mankhool, Dubai, U.A.E.        744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Ali Reza Divanizadeh, Al Ras  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Center Building, Behind Al    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Ras Hotel, Shop No. B-05,      744.11 of the EAR).
                                     P.O. Box 5680, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Amir Mohammad Zahedi, RAK     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Free Zone, P.O. Box 10559,    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Ras Al Khaimah, U.A.E.         744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Antony Emmanuel, No. 3 & 4,   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Sharifia Ahmed Ali Bldg.,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     P.O. Box 42340, Al Nakheel,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E. (See
                                     alternate address under
                                     Hong Kong).
                                    Atlinx Electronics, Flat 401- For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Bin Yas Center Al Maktum      to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Road, P.O. Box 42340,          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Dubai, U.A.E.; and Shops 3-
                                     4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali
                                     Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Danoush Trading Company, No.  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     104, Beside Kheibar Hotel,    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Morshed Market St., Dubai,     744.11 of the EAR).

[[Page 54510]]

                                    Divanizadeh General Trading   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Company, Al Ras Center        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Building, Behind Al Ras        744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Hotel, Shop No. B-05, P.O.
                                     Box 5680, Dubai, U.A.E.

                                                                      * * * * * * *
                                    Farrokh Nia Yaghmaei, a.k.a.  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Farrokh Nia Yaghmayi, Flat    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     401-Bin Yas Center--Al         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Maktum Road, P.O. Box
                                     42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and
                                     Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed
                                     Ali Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Feroz Jafar, Al Salam St.,    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     P.O. Box 2946, Abu Dhabi,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     U.A.E..                        744.11 of the EAR).
                                    H. Ghasir, Flat 401-Bin Yas   For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Center--Al Maktum Road,       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     P.O. Box 42340, Dubai,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4,
                                     Sharafia Ahmed Ali
                                     Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Hamed Al Fahid Trading        For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Company, Shop No. 3-4,        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Ahmed Ali Bldg., Al Jalel,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Hamed Athari, No. 3-4         For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Sharafia Ahmed Ali            to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Building, Al Nakheel,          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.
                                    Majidco Micro Electronics,    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Maktum Road, P.O. Box          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and
                                     Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed
                                     Ali Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Mayrow General Trading, Flat  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     401-Bin Yas Center--Al        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Maktum Road, P.O. Box          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; Shops
                                     3-4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali
                                     Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.; P.O.
                                     Box 42340, Deira, Dubayy,
                                     U.A.E. and P.O. Box 171978,
                                     Deira, Dubayy, U.A.E.
                                    Mayrow Technics Co., No. 3-4  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Sharafia Ahmed Ali            to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Building, Al Nakheel,          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.
                                    Mehdi Rafie, Shop No. 3 & 4,  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Sharafia Ahmed Ali Bldg.,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Al Nakheel St., Deira, P.O.    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Box 171978, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Mehran Kamalinia, a.k.a.      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Ronald Simon, Shop No. 3 &    to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Bldg., Al Nakheel St.,
                                     Deira, P.O. Box 171978,
                                     Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Micatic General Trading,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Flat 401-Bin Yas Center--Al   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Maktum Road, P.O. Box          744.11 of the EAR).
                                     42340, Dubai, U.A.E.; and
                                     Shops 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed
                                     Ali Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Micro Middle East             For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Electronics, Flat 401-Bin     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Yas Center--Al Maktum Road,    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     P.O. Box 42340, Dubai,
                                     U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4,
                                     Sharafia Ahmed Ali
                                     Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Mohsen Saghafi, Shop No. 3 &  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     4, Sharafia Ahmed Ali         to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Bldg., Al Nakheel St.,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, P.O. Box 171978,
                                     Dubai, U.A.E.

[[Page 54511]]

                                    Mostafa Salehi, No. 308, 3rd  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Floor, Rafi Center, Al        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Nakheel, Deira, Dubai,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Narinco, Flat 401-Bin Yas     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Center--Al Maktum Road,       to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     P.O. Box 42340, Dubai,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                     U.A.E.; and Shops 3-4,
                                     Sharafia Ahmed Ali
                                     Building, al-Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Neda Kargar, No. 308, 3rd     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Floor, Rafi Center, Al        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Nakheel, Deira, Dubai,         744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Neda Overseas Electronics     For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     L.L.C., No. 308, 3rd Floor,   to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Rafi Center, Al Nakheel,       744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Pyramid Technologies, P.O.    For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Box 42340, Dubai, U.A.E.;     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     and No. 3-4, Sharafia Ahmed    744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Ali Building, Al Nakheel,
                                     Deira, Dubai 396, U.A.E.
                                    S. Basheer, No. 3-4 Sharafia  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Ahmed Ali Building, Al        to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Nakheel, Deira, Dubai 396,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Sayed-Ali Hosseini, 201       For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     Latifah Building, Al          to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Maktoum St., Dubai, U.A.E.     744.11 of the EAR).
                                    Shaji Muhammed Basheer, Shop  For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     No. 3 & 4, Sharafia Ahmed     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     Ali Bldg., Al Nakheel St.,     744.11 of the EAR).
                                     Deira, P.O. Box 171978,
                                     Dubai, U.A.E.
                                    Telectron, Al Salam St.,      For all items subject    Presumption of denial................  73 FR [INSERT FR PAGE
                                     P.O. Box 2946, Abu Dhabi,     to the EAR. (See Sec.                                           NUMBER] 09/22/08.
                                     U.A.E.                         744.11 of the EAR).

    Dated: September 17, 2008.
Christopher R. Wall,
Assistant Secretary for Export Administration.
[FR Doc. E8-22088 Filed 9-19-08; 8:45 am]


The Great Kitchen - Volume 001

posted under , , , by Megan Fox
Hi there! Today in The Great Kitchen Issue, we are having a Sushi tray Set.

Product Image is for reference only.


One Medium Sushi Set, two pairs of Twist Chopsticks, two bamboo chopstick holders and two 2" Mini Bowls. Wrapped together in a clear, exquisite package, this Sushi Gift Set is a great gift for just about anyone. Cutting boards, bowls, and more. Using a renewable resource without depleting natural habitat, these kitchen and housewares are made from Moso Bamboo. Handmade and also it is kiln dried under precise computer controlled conditions to avoid splitting or warping over time. Using formaldehyde-free adhesives.

Tag Price: RM$50.00 Only!
Compare Price: Amazon USD$35.00

Buy This Item Now 

For more click Older Post Below or


posted under , by Megan Fox
Khasiat perkataan ini. Kesasihannya haruslah dirujuk kembali kepada guru masing-masing, saya sekadar berkongsi apa yang saya dapat.

Mukjizat di sebalik BISMILLAH

BISMILLAH adalah sebutan/nama sin gkat dari lafaz ' BISMILLAHIR ROHMAANIR ROHIIM ' yang bermaksud ' Dengan nama ALLAH Yang Maha Pengasih lagi Maha Penyayang. '

1. Yang pertama ditulis Qalam adalah BISMILLAH. Maka apabila kamu menulis sesuatu, maka tulislah BISMILLAH pada awalnya kerana BISMILLAH tertulis pada setiap wahyu yang Allah turunkan kepada Jibrail.
2. 'BISMILLAH untukmu dan umahmu, suruhlah mereka apabila memohon sesuatu dengan BISMILLAH. Aku tidak akan meninggalkannya sekejap mata pun sejak BISMILLAH diturunkan kepada Adam. ' (Hadith Qudsi)
3. Tatkala BISMILLAH diturunkan ke dunia, maka semua awan berlari ke arah barat, angin terdiam, air laut bergelora, mendengarkan seluruh binatang dan terlempar semua syaitan.
4. Demi Allah dan keagunganNya, tidaklah BISMILLAH itu dibacakan pada orang sa kit melainkan menjadi ubat untuknya dan tidaklah BISMILLAH dibacakan di atas sesuatu melainkan Allah beri berkat ke atasnya.
5. Barangsiapa yang ingin hidup bahagia dan mati syahid, maka bacalah BISMILLAH setiap kali memulakan sesuatu perkara yang baik.
6. Jumlah huruf dalam BSMILLAH ada 19 huruf dan malaikat penjaga neraka ada 19 ( QS.AL Muddatsir:30) .Ibnu Mas ' ud berkata: ' Sesiapa yang ingin Allah selamatkan dari 19 malaikat neraka maka bacalah BISMILLAH 19 kali setiap hari. '
7. Tiap huruf BISMILLAH ada JUNNAH (penjaga/khadam) hingga tiap huruf berkata, ' Siapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka kamilah kekuatannya dan kamilah kehebatannya. '
8. Barangsiapa yang memuliakan tulisan BISMILLAH nescaya Allah akan mengangkat namanya di syurga yang sangat tinggi dan diampunkan segala dosa kedua orang tuanya.
9. Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH maka akan bertasbihlah segala gunung kepadanya.
10. Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 21 kali ketika hendak tidur, maka akan terpelihara dari gangguan syaitan, kecurian dan kebakaran, maut mendadak dan bala.
11. Barangsiapa yang membaca BISMILLAH sebanyak 50 kali di hadapan orang yang zalim, hinalah dan masuk ketakutan dalam hati si zalim serta naiklah keberanian dan kehebatan kepada si pembaca.
Anda ada dua pilihan sama ada:
1.biarkan dalam inbox anda tanpa
bermanfaat utk org lain..
2.anda sebarkan pada semua
kenalan anda. sabda Rasulluah, ' siapa
yang menyampaikan satu ilmu dan orang
yang mengamalkannya maka dia akan
beroleh pahala walaupun sudah tiada.....

The Story of Imam Mahadi

posted under by Megan Fox
Imam Mahadi                                                                                                                        

Why Human Stick To One Job

posted under by Megan Fox
 Why human stick to one job.
Because they think they are scared of the outside world.
Because they think they are scared of their self.
Because they think they are not talented.
Because they think they are hold back by other people, but usually they have their own choice.
Because they think they don't have enough money and they will loose if they start another.
Because they think everyone at the office will love them forever even though they have resigned, reality is they won't!
Because they think they are already old and cannot do nothing else, you get old when you don't do something.
Because god said they have to be faithful.