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by Megan Fox
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by Megan Fox
Look how big is the dang fish :-)
Dogtooth Tuna are something of a glamour species brought to popularity by the fantastic fishing in Papua New Guinea aboard Brett Middleton’s Talio out of Madang. Brett has perfected a technique for teasing them to the surface with live Rainbow Runners and the fishing for them with a fly! On Arimbi, we haven’t yet managed one on fly, but we have had good results using other methods.
Dogtooth are a common capture on jigs in 200 to 300ft of water. Rarely encountered in daylight with conventional trolling techniques, and prior to experimenting with jigging, we used to get them either fishing livebaits on a downrigger, or trolling at night.
Dogtooth Tuna can be found throughout Indonesia. They grow big, fight hard and they are good to eat. Anglers are traveling to far flung places in search of this great fish. Those anglers in Jakarta probably don’t realise what they are missing on their own doorstep in Ujung Kulon!
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by Megan Fox
Whoever wants to buy "Cake Lapis Prune" at SGD$25 per box, please message me yea!
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by Megan Fox
I love to cook :-) I saved this recipe for future reference (Aku gemar memasak, ni aku simpan resepi ni untuk rujukan masa hadapan)
Barbeque Fish (Ikan Bakar)
Ingredients (Bahan-bahan)
1/4 cup of cooking oil (1/4 cawan minyak masak)
Lemon/Kalamansi juice from 1/2 cut lemon (Air perahan dari 1/2 biji limau nipis)
1/2 table spoon of sweet soy sauce (1/2 sudu besar kicap pekat)
Bit of salt (Garam secukup rasa)
Bit of sugar (Gula secukup rasa)
We need a fish, here we're using 600grammes of 1 Black/Silver Pomfret washed.(1 ekor 600 gm ikan bawal) di bersihkan
Banana leaves (Daun pisang)
Blended Ingredients (Bahan Bahan Di Kisar Halus)
4 or 6 red chillies (4/6 tangkai cili merah)
4 Candlenuts (4 biji buah keras)
8 small onions (8 ulas bawang merah kecil)
1 lemon grass cut into tiny pieces (1 batang serai di hiris halus halus)
Bit of fermented shrimps (1/2 sudu teh belacan)
1 tablespoon of chilli powder (1 sudu besar cili serbuk)
2 Kaffir lime leaves (2 helai daun limau purut)
How to cook the sauce (Cara memasak Sos)
1. Heat the cooking oil in a pan and fry the blended ingredients until the good smell comes up.(Panaskan minyak masak di dalam kuali dan tumis bahan kisar di atas api kecil sehingga wangi.)
2. Pour in the Kalamansi juice, soy sauce, salt and sugar (Masukkan air limau nipis, kicap, garam dan gula.)
3. After the sauce which has been fried, dip the Pomfret inside and make sure to mix it goes inside out (Lumurkan seluruh bahagian ikan dengan sambal yang di masak tadi.)
4. After that, wrap the fish/Pomfret with a huge banana leave. (Bungkus ikan dengan daun pisang.)
5. Barbeque the wrapped fish onto burning heat stove/barbeque pit or just dive it into the oven at 180C for 20 minutes. (Bakar di dalam ketuhar yang sudah di panaskan pada suhu 180C selama 20 minit atau panggang di atas bara api yang marak.)
There you go! A Malaysian Style barbeque fish or Pomfret :-)
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by Megan Fox
Click this link to see The Armageddon Illustration Forecast of the Future
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by Megan Fox